Artist’s Statement

I’m David Burger, an artist with a drive to capture the beauty, mood, and mystery of the world around us through the medium of oil painting. My work includes landscape, still life, and portraiture, each shaped by the challenge of the combination of technical craft, artistic flair and imagination that painting demands.

For me, painting is about more than just reproducing what I see; it’s about exploring and interpreting the feeling behind it. Whether it’s the simple elegance of a still life, the power or peace of a landscape, or the story behind a portrait, I aim to create pieces that invite you to pause, reflect, and connect.

My journey as a painter has been an exciting chapter in my life, and it’s a privilege to share it with you. Thank you for taking the time to explore my work—I hope it resonates with you as much as creating it does with me.

My Journey

My earlier career was in telecommunications, which led me to identify a strong interest I had in how things were made. Recognising this led me into the field of manufacturing, and in this area I had a successful career over many years. The companies I owned designed, produced and marketed electronic equipment for local and international markets.

During the 2000’s I was both full time business owner-manager and part time olive grower and wine maker with my partner Diana. We owned an 18-acre Wairarapa property bordered by the Ruamahunga River. Landscape artist Jane Sinclair was a neighbour and art teacher, and she introduced me firstly to acrylics, and later to the amazing properties of oil paint. I learned from her the importance of ‘seeing the light’ and remain in awe of her ability to capture the essence of a landscape with masterly technique.

In 2019 I sold the business, and was able to spend more time drawing and painting. During the Covid lockdown I discovered on-line the Carder Method of oil painting. The artist Mark Carder has made available a very effective approach to painting which I studied and which has helped me significantly.